About Me

About Me

Well hello, I’m Susanna J and welcome to my blog. My name’s actually Susan J but I have always wished I was Susanna…. so Tahdah! Living the dream.

Isn’t it amazing that you actually found my blog at all? I’m a mum, retired educator and I’m past the ripe age of 60. AARRGGHH! I live with my husband just outside Melbourne, Australia in a gorgeous area called the Mornington Peninsula.

Point Nepean on a gorgeous day.

My husband is still working but mostly from home and doesn’t show any signs of wanting to retire yet. Like most people my age, it’s a great relief to say my kids have been living out of home for many years and are leading very busy, productive lives. Yay! I can’t help feeling a sense of accomplishment there. To explain unforgivable absences my son never ceases to point out that he is “living in the city now” and works there too. My daughter, who is encouraging and guiding me to write this blog, has been living in London for 13 years but is, at last considering moving home again.

Why write a blog?

Well I just love trying new things, sharing ideas, laughing with friends, singing in the shower and generally loving the life I’m in. We all know that working full time, being a parent as well as being part of a family company requires exemplary planning, organization and then just putting your foot down, not over thinking things and going flat out everyday to just get through. But now retired I really don’t know where I found the time to work and study. I love it!

Everyday I get the chance, only if I want to, to learn how to do new stuff while learning how to do the old stuff even better. I craft (yes, that is a verb now), I have time to create new recipes, have friends over for brunch, lunch or dinner and try out great food I’ve seen on YouTube. We love to travel and stay, not always in hotels but in AirBnB and B&Bs oh and I’ve discovered online shopping, I nut out and create a bulletin for my local Probus club, act in a local theatre company and reckon I can have a go anything I like. Enjoying doing something new and not worrying about what people think of my work is wonderful. I’m actually really happy and excited to be in this part of my life. I don’t have to be anyone other than myself. I don’t have to try to be anyone else’s perfect and I want to share the fun, so welcome.


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Thank you for visiting Honestly Silver and I hope to see you again soon! ?