Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Jaffa Cakes

Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Jaffa Cakes

A few months ago “He who likes biscuits” discovered that he has fructose malabsorbtion and also has to restrict the amount of gluten he has in his diet.

At the time it explained a lot of the bloated tummy and general malais he had been suffering. Seems quite common lately, doesn’t it? I have fructan issues as well and have already completely removed onion from our diet.

Gluten!! Where do I begin?

To continue to cook and remove onion, fruit, sugar and gluten too? I was at a loss!

I leapt in feet first and learnt quite a bit about gluten free flours and also discovered the wonderful GF and Fructose free shops which are springing up everywhere. I need to tell you not to agonise about the recipes and just substitute GF Self Raising or GF Plain in the recipe, and I use Setvia instead of sugar. Everything turns out really well. Nobody notices that the recipe was different.

I’ve used the Greens GF Chocolate cake mix from Coles and Woolies as well, fabulous.  The Naturally Good Gluten Free Chocolate Mud Cake mix used for birthday cakes were amazing, delicious and so moist. The test of a packet cake for me is; “Will it dry out?” or “This one stayed yummy for days.”

I experimented with  GF Buckwheat crepes as well and everyone was raving about them. No one realised that they were Gluten Free. My advice on Gluten Free is don’t sweat it, just have a go. If in doubt, add an extra egg or a 1/2 tsp of baking Powder to help it rise.

This is my own recipe altered to be a gluten free one so I hope you enjoy.  I will admit to having had a catastrophe half way through creating them! After I had creamed the butter and sugar it was time to pop in the milk. After adding it, I judiciously turned it to slow for a gentle mix but realised it was a bit splashy. My new mixer has a terrific cover so I decided to pop it on. Unfortunately as I turned it to OFF I accidentally turned the dial to super full on and batter flew everywhere in the kitchen! On me, my hair, the cupboards and the floor. EEEK!

It was at this moment I was eternally grateful I wasn’t doing a Nigella, who likes to pop the biscuits in 10 minutes before her guests arrive and never, EVER ‘flouffs’ the ingredients down her immaculate bosom – like I do every time.

Anyway to the recipe.


Don’t be put off with the quantities because this makes about 21 cakes. They keep well in an airtight container and freeze like a dream. You can  always halve the recipe too.

Oven: 180º C


 1 cup (250g) softened (not melted) butter 

1 1/2 cups (345g) caster sugar

1 cup ( 250g) buttermilk ( see note below)

3 eggs

Zest an orange and measure out 1/2 cup orange juice 

3 – 3 1/2 cups of GF Plain Flour)

1 cup of chocolate buddies or bits.

1 tsp bi-carb soda

1 tsp baking soda.


Cream the butter and sugar till fluffy. Slowly beat in the buttermilk and eggs. (remember it might splash). Now add the flour combined with the bi-carb and baking soda. ( again slowly so the flour does flouff out)  at the last stir in the chocolate buddies. or bits . Now mix well.

Drop heaped tsp full onto a tray with bake paper (parchment) make sure there is room for them to spread ( about 9 per tray ) and bake for  8 -10 minutes. Slide off onto wire racks till cool.

If you like to ice them I use 4 – 4 1/2 cups icing sugar mixed with about 1/3 cup of orange juice. Otherwise just sprinkle with sieved icing sugar. I like to sprinkle a bit of zest and a few stay buddies onto the plate so it screams, YUMMY!!



  • I don’t always use butter milk, You can use plain milk or add  1 Tsp yoghurt to the milk.

  • If you get caught short and the butter isn’t soft, just grate it.


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