Thank Goodness!

Thank Goodness!

Today I was out to lunch with three gorgeous friends who I volunteer with at our local hospital. They all retired from volunteering at the hospital a few years ago but I am still enjoying my time there. As we lunched we decided to tot up the total years we have volunteered; 75 years! I admit I was shocked! There will come a time when I too will have to stop… but not yet!

I do love these lunches because although I sometimes feel a bit like the teenager of the group, they each express a wonderful attitude of thankfulness for the lives they lead. Lunch is always at our favourite Italian restaurant where the owner is wildly European and greets all his patrons with double cheek kisses. We don’t require a menu because we don’t do mains… we always skip straight to the ‘to die for strawberry pancakes’ and a glass of red!

Today I was a little down because “He Who is Always Healthy” is not so well at the moment and will need medical treatment before he can move on. Of late I admit, I have been feeling a little hard done by and looking at  the world with my glass half empty. As I listened to these women sharing their stories I realised that each of them have had major challenges and yet here they are, all constantly thankful. I revelled in hearing their stories and their attitude of gratitude.

These delightful woman are all in their late 80’s, smartly dressed, well read and independent but one special, special lady, JB is still whipping around town in her little, blue Corolla at 94. You have to admire this gorgeous lady who volunteered to arrange flowers for patients for over 30 years. She is as sharp as a tack, with a memory like a steel trap, is interested in everyone and has thoughts about everything. She only gave up helping at the hospital because, she told us, the shelves seemed to be getting higher and the vases seemed to have doubled in weight.

Yesterday as I locked my car I heard a scraping noise on the other side of the car park and I was horrified to see that JB was driving on a totally flat tyre. Hurrying over to help her out of the car I pointed out that she had a little problem. To my delight JB threw back her head and laughed. “Well, thank goodness! That explains the scraping noise, doesn’t it?” She had just driven at least 10 kilometres with a flat. She patted my hand and chuckled, ” Well thank goodness for that! I was just beginning to think I wasn’t able to turn the steering wheel anymore.” She wasn’t worried about the flat she was relieved and thankful that she wasn’t losing her independence.


Oh that we could all be thankful for things that go wrong in our lives while sipping from our Glass Half Full. I came home pondering my own situation.  I picked up my darling Lolly dog and felt a wave of thankfulness for this soft, sweet little darling. I saw “He Who is Having Health Issues” emerging from the garden with a bunch of beautiful irises which he had picked because he knows they are my favourites.

M5JXuBwMRJWvHzqREnsH6QI looked about the garden at all the ‘pleasances’ (a pleasance is a beautiful place which bring you joy and calm)… and I was grateful.



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