Welcome to Christmas 2018

Welcome to Christmas 2018

It is hard to believe that Christmas is here again. I seem to have only managed to find places to store my decorations when it’s time to get them all out again! I am not one to have the same decorations in the same places every year so I can have fun making something new.

Deodar cedar cones

In late November I was weeding and discovered hundreds of these beautiful rose cones everywhere under the pine tree. It took a little research to discover that we have a Deodar cedar which originates in the Himalayas. We had bought it as a little Christmas tree and planted it out. It’s now over 40 feet high and making cones. Maybe there is a warning there about planting out the Christmas tree!!

Check out the lovelies in the featured image. Wow, these are straight of the tree and so pretty and cute.  With a bit of silver or gold spray, a small polystyrene wreath and some Chrissy paper you’re on your way to Christmas!

Make Your Own Cedar Rose Christmas Wreath

I started with a small polystyrene wreath from the local $2 shop and roughly covered it in Christmas paper. Don’t be too worried if it’s a bit wrinkled because it won’t be seen.


I picked some spruce leaves from the garden and using a hot glue gun stuck them all around the top of the wreath in a cross cross pattern . Take care because the glue does get very hot.

It was fun to spray a whole lot of pine cones and gumnuts silver and gold to use for decorations. Any small cones will work. 3LYPxCxAS56wD39FVLQlVQ.jpg

Now just glue the tiny pine cones how ever you wish. You can spray them with gold or silver spray.  The foliage could also be sprayed to keep it for another year.  

This little wreath would also be lovely in the centre of the Christmas table.


Have fun crafting!

May your Christmas be merry and your New Year bright!


I have had such demand for these cones and you think you could use them I am thinking of making them available for purchase in limited numbers (for postage in Australia).

** Watch this space for the Honestly Silver online store! **



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